Hi lotsoflove,
I am glad you have had the courage to come on the forum and to talk about what has happened to you. You have already had some wonderful support so I can simply echo what Daisy and White Rose have said. Please go and see your GP about your anxiety attacks and bulimia if they are causing you a lot of distress at the moment. It is completely normal to have times in your life when these are worse than others but there maybe things you can do to help alleviate.
Remember you are not to blame for what has happened to you. It isn’t you and you haven’t deserved what has happened. Something you might want to look into though if you are concerned about not being able to spot abusers or red flags for dangerous behaviour is to look into the Freedom programme. Many women find it really useful and a great way to learn what to look for when meeting new people. Also you would meet other women who are in the same situation and it can help many women come to terms with what has happened to them.
I’m really happy you have come on the forum, I know you’ll get some great support here. Welcome and it’s good to have you with us.
Best wishes
Forum Moderator