Falling Sky’s,
If you can find the strength to fight this though your husband has made loads of mistakes that will go against him in court
1 not retuning papers
2 refusing mediation
3 abuse of course
4 he will be made to sell by the court and you can be the main person that deals with the sale if he is a nightmare about it
Stand your ground if you can. Check with your solicitor you can have him removed under unreasonable behaviour or you can leave due to safety. You have more legal stuff on your side just from this post you have written and the fact you are married you are due 50% at the very least. If you want this to end stick it out and see your solicitor and push it.
Sorry to be tough but you have to push solicitors to get anywhere.
They never change and when he sees he pushes your buttons he will do it more and no they don’t get bored so everything he does actually goes against him.
Stay safe though big hug to because this is such a tough time for you right now