
Hi there,

I have been in the situation of fearing my ex’s treatment of my kids. It was more overt when he lived here- now it is subtle, mental andemotiinal abuse, but very damaging.

I am worried when you say your child isn’t old e Pugh to vocalise his experience. If your ex is being abusive, these things could mat your child forever.

Your ex sounds like mine- unstable, changeable, temperamental, controlling, n**********c ( everything is to serve his ends and he is super sensitive about his public image).

How can he blame a child so young for how is is with his family? No doubt the child feels uncomfortable there.

My ex denied to the court that his father hit my child aged X around the ear.

You ha e done right to stop contact. If your ex wants co ta t, he will have to go for a court order, and you can give evidence of all these things.

Hopefully, your ex’s previous girlfriend will give evidence, but you can do it without her.

Don’t fall for his fear or self-pity tactics. They are designed to stop you from going to the authorities to express your concerns.

A tip: when dealing with those in power, make sure you always speak of the child’s needs. As long as you show your son is your priority, you will be ok.

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