White Rose

If he’s had no contact with school side for (detail removed by Moderator) years why now?
Is it just a meeting e.g. options or feedback?
If it’s just an info meeting
get there and sit where he csnt sit next to you.
If its feedback on progress meeting then there are ways round it. Do school know your situation? If not let them know. I’ve just done my 3rd parents evening with totally separate appointments for me and him with each teacher, all done with schools blessing once they knew the circumstances and all the teachers made sure the appointments weren’t too close together. The two parents neetings before that he didnt even go. Didn’t even see him. In fact I don’t know if he even went!
If your son not brave enough to ask staff get in touch with head of year or tutor or pastoral support lead or even school office. You won’t be the only one in this situation.
It’s worth a try.
If your son doesn’t want him there then does that give you strenght to say no?
Good luck x

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