
Hi there, how awful for you. It reminded me of how we carry the guilt for them and how twisted our world was. The police told me to get a STD test done, which I did. When the results came back negative, my initial thought was, what a wonderful husband, he hasn’t given me a STD! I should have been thinking what a nasty cheating rapist pig. But our world is so mixed up. It’s only nearly (detail removed by moderator) years away now I can look back and see that absolutely none of the abuse was my fault. He brainwashed me into believing that I brought it on myself. They refuse to admit guilt and if they can make you carry the guilt, then they don’t have to. It sounds like your child won’t be missing out on much by not seeing him. You are parent enough for both❤️ Don’t believe a word he has ever told you. When you cut out his mind games, you begin to see a pathetic insecure bully. Stay strong👍

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