White Rose

He doesn’t want divorce/he does/he doesn’t/he’ll do it/you need to do it – all examples of his ongoing abuse. Could you wait the 2 years? Is that what YOU want? If so then wait. It will be a less stressful divorce that way I suspect!
Your finances are more tricky – you need to talk to someone about starting to get this sorted regardless of divorce, but it won’t be easy I’m sure. Like in my case refusal of access to money (or worse shifting joint assets into his sole name!) is part of DA, it’s financial abuse.
Womens aid gave me several numbers to ring for free financial advice and they were really helpful – give the helpline a ring and have a pen and lots of paper at the ready. One was DAME but I can’t find any links to them on line just lots of Dame Edna Everidge!
Citizens advice can also help. There’s also http://www.refuge.org.uk/get-help-now/help-for-women/money-worries/ which looks good.
You probably need to talk to solicitor in more detail. They will have come across it before I’m sure and can advise regarding fees.
Good luck xx

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