mixed-up mum

Hi Doglover – yes you bring it all back to me……
The not talking, ignoring you, silet treatment, nasty evil stares, stoning in and out of rooms, slamming doors, I never knew he it would go….sometimes he would go from silent and suddenly erupt in to a full scale blazing row….
The dreading there return, never knowing if they had calmed down and it was all over or would it turn in to a major argument…..

I was very rarely left on my own with him, my daughter wouldn’t go out with friends, always wanted to be there to try and protect me from him – no child should have to live like that……

I can well remember hoping he would come home and go right to bed, and carry on the silent treatment, or sometimes I’d be in bed pretending to sleep to avoid confrontation. Oh yes brings it all back….

But just you wait before long you will no longer be having to live in fear and dread of his moods. Not long now and you too will be FREE!!!!!! 🙂 ♥ 🙂

Take care – be safe – let us know how you are if you can. x*x

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