
Hi I took anti depressants for about 6 months and they did do their job. I think my problem was more anxiety than depression but, like you, I couldn’t stop crying and would burst into tears at any given moment. The anti depressants did stop this and did give me a much more positive outlook on life. The only downside for me was that they left me a bit emotionally ‘numb’. They gave me clarity but my range of emotions seems dulled somehow.

I am not a big tablet taker. I am the sort of person who will suffer a headache rather that take a tablet. So taking the anti depressants was a big deal for me. There are more people on these type of tablets that you would ever realise. If you get prescribed the right one for you, they wont change you as a person or change how you think. They will just lift the fog a little and calm your mind. It enabled me to make the decisions I needed to make without being crippled by my emotions xx

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