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    • #19439

      Hi there, i have read some of the topic’s and i just don’t no what my current partner is doing is abuse or not but, i have spoken to a professional who said it is. I’m so confused. My worker is linking me up with wemens aid but said to come on here to get support. So thought i wud ask you lovely ladies to see if it is all in my head.
      he used to be nice and got a long great, then slowly he changed, even more now i had his child. The way hear it is He speaks to me like I’m poo on his shoe, he tells my child “your mother is at it again” or “your mother can’t do this or that” but it is like 8 times a day. He wipes snot on things, i went mad and he totally blanks me! He has done it so many times now i just don’t say anything!
      I do have a mental health condition which requires meds that makes me sleeply and need sleep at night but he keeps waking me up 6 times a night and then moans/ at me for over sleeping in the day! I now sleep on the sofa which is still really bad sleep! Trouble then I can’t function as i’m a zombie! He will then make me feel guilty the rest of the day for sleeping in until 12 and says he left to do everything! I take my child to all groups (detail removed by Moderator) times a week of a morning. He stays at home and plays on his laptop and when he does have my child he puts my child in the highchair or standing toy and just leaves my child there for hours. Only when do i say r u going to play with my kid does him huff and play for 5 mins. I ask a simple question like have u seen a t shirt, and he say in a nasty tone “you probably left it at Ur mothers” our whole interaction now me keeping quite becuase if i do or sayrhing then it isn’t right!
      There is a lot more, but thought u need a break from reading this xx

    • #19444

      Sorry it is very vague but if i put too much information down people cud know it is me and let my partner know who i am still living with and if he finds out, I don’t no how he will react as he was in a previous relationship and she kicked him out for physical and emotional abuse x

    • #19463

      Hi Highfive, there is enough information in your post for me to recognise emotional abuse, the constant put downs, not being able to do anything right, belittling you these are all about making you feel bad. The longer you feel bad the more it affects you. If you get chance ring the women’s aid helpline and hopefully they will be able to highlight far more than I ever could. They can also give you options that you can consider. There is no pressure to make decisions your first step is speaking out about it xx

    • #19469
      Falling Skys

      Hi highfive

      A lot change after we have a child with them. I think that they feel we have less options to break free.

      Also living in that situation causes more mental health issues.

      I can tell that he is abusive and very unsupportable I had a woman support worker with her and this site it really help me to move on. Also they run freedom groups which if you have them in your area would be a great thing to attend.

      Good luck with your journey.

      FS xx

    • #19485

      Thank you ladies!

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