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    • #163030

      Really don’t know what to do anymore. Been with him for (removed by moderator) years and (removed by moderator) children together. I moved to his home town (removed by moderator) with him about (removed by moderator) hours away from where I come from. It was all ok in the start I was happy with him but then when we started arguing over silly things he would call me names that I was a fat c**t and lazy and then give me the silent treatment for weeks and this has been going on for years now.

      We argued about (removed by moderator) weeks ago and he’s been sleeping on the sofa ever since not talking to me. It was my birthday (removed by moderator) and didn’t even get a card or a happy birthday from him and that’s when I decided I can’t do this anymore so have started to sort things out. Moving back to my home town where I got my family as I have no one here only him. Me and kids would be moving back with my mum till I get a house sorted for us and have even got a school for the kids there.

      (Removed by moderator) have told him where moving and he was ok with it apparently. Have started taking pictures off the walls and then (removed by moderator) he texted me saying what’s going on? Saying that if I’m going (removed by moderator) and that he will want to see the kids. My heads all over the place I still love him but if I stay I know it will go back to the same thing again. We would have to arrange how he would see them as where (removed by moderator) hours away and he doesn’t drive and I do. Please tell me what to do?

    • #163033
      Main Moderator

      Hi Rubyx,

      It seems you have just started posting here, so welcome to the forum. I hope you find this a safe and supportive place to share your experience.

      Understandably, you have concerns about how child contact will look like, once you leave the relationship.

      If you have not done so already, it would be beneficial for you to get some legal advice. You could contact a family law solicitor who has experience in cases of domestic violence. You can find out if you are eligible to get free and confidential advice from Civil Legal Advice (CLA) as part of Legal Aid, if you are in England or Wales. They can be contacted on 0345 345 4345 or by texting ‘Legal Aid’ to 80010 for a call back.

      The National Association of Contact Centres offers advice on child contact centres. They are available on 0115 948 4557 or (Mon-Fri 9am-1pm). Their website has a search function to find local centres.

      The Coram Children’s Legal Centre provide free legal resources with advice and information on all aspects of family, child and education law, including relationship breakdown; parental disputes, duties of children’s services; child protection. They can be contacted on 0300 330 5480 (10am-4pm, Mon-Fri) and through their webchat service (8:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri).

      Also, it may be useful to engage with your local domestic abuse service as they can advise and support around generally anything that is concerning you, including child contact.

      I hope this is helpful. Please do keep posting as I’m sure many women here can relate to what you are going through at the moment and be able to offer some insight and support.

      Take care,


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