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    • #15544

      With the missing him feeling and the fact that he wernt who I thought he were its just hitting me like a brick wall…any advice please x

    • #15546

      My advice : however painful, we need to realise that we fell in love with the ‘pretend them’ or our hopes and dreams for them- not the reality.

      They are like a present- all shiny and attractive at first, but when you open it up, the present is rubbish, or the parcel is empty.

      Like the parcel, our abusers weren’t who we hoped. They aren’t anything like we dreamed, and even might be completely empty inside.

      We fell in love with their lies and promises. We also fell in love with our own beautiful hopes.

      Let us transfer that beauty and hope elsewhere- to ourselves, our kids- but definitely away from him.

    • #15547

      It’s like picking the rosiest and most appealing apple, and biting into it and realising it is rotten and full of maggots.

      Do you keep on eating it, and get sick? Or do you chuck it away, and go and eat more healthy food?

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