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    • #171559

      Hi I am just wondering if anyone is able to offer any advice on how they deal with children having contact with their father when there is history of Domestic abuse and mental health issues from the father. Currently he needs to have supervised contact via a relative of mine due to social services involvement they have placed our kids on child protection plan once my ‘husband’ is deemed stable can I still have a say over my children only having contact with him  at my home not on their own with him due to domestic violence towards me and my daughter being physically hurt by him, i am expecting our second child soon aswell. As his mental health issues which  will always be present and up and down I don’t understand how I can ever be sure to let them be alone anymore? He doesn’t stick to medication or therapy help.


    • #171579
      Main Moderator

      Hello UndertheStarz,

      Thank you for sharing this, I’m sorry to hear about the stress you’re under at the moment, it must be a really difficult experience.

      It’s good to hear that you have professional support in place from social services if you have concerns about your daughters safety in his care, it might be helpful to continue to communicate with them about his behaviour to ensure your voice is being heard and that this is taken seriously.

      It could be useful to access some legal advice around your rights and options. Coram have a Child Law Advice Line where they offer affordable legal advice which could be a good place to start:

      It might also be helpful to connect with your local domestic abuse support service if you haven’t already. You can find your nearest service, here.

      Take care and keep posting,

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