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    • #74117

      I have seriously had enough now I have come home from work while he has sat at home doing nothing all day for him to kick off with me go mental lock me in the kitchen with him whilst he is smashing it to pieces and not letting me get out. I’m am so scared to report him as to be honest I dont know who to go to, I have been with him nearly (detail removed by moderator) years he is an illegal immigrant which is where alot of his anger stems from (9 out 10 always my fault though) If i go to the police i am scared what they will do I mean he makes my life a misery i work full time whilst he stays home and does nothing I pay for EVERYTHING and am in so much debt because of him. He has a drug ( cannabis) habit that is nearly (detail removed by moderator)  on its on and don’t even get me started on his anger when he has no weed!! He smashes my house up all the time blames me for the reason he is still illegal In this country and says I have drained him! Calls me names, we aren’t intimate what so ever haven’t been for nearly (detail removed by moderator)  years. I want him out of my life and out of my house he won’t leave he has nowhere to go doesnt even have anywhere to go back in his home country this is what worrys me if I report him where will they make him go as at first I felt sorry if they sent him back to his country now I HATE him so much I don’t care I wish him dead every time I jave that much hate for him. He is a nut job goes mental and face turns blue and spits everywhere like an animal! I’m worried if police don’t take me serious ans then he harms my family I don’t care about me how I feel at the momet it wouldnt bother me of he hurt me or attacked me it’s mainly my family. He has destroyed me ans broken me completely I am anxious when I have to come home to him he makes me feel uncomfortable in my own house and it is literally like he waits and picks things every day so he can shout at me and be nasty and smash all my stuff. I am tired and I really can’t do it anymore.

    • #74131

      Hi and welcome to the forum. It’s scary admitting the person we loved abuses us,but you have to think of you now. Call the helpline and tell them everything. Your going to have no house left at this rate by the sounds of it. Your first priority is your safety. He is choosing to be abusive and being physically violent to you and your Things too.y you can end this, he isn’t your responsibility let the authorities deal with him.
      IWMB 💕💕

    • #74207
      Main Moderator

      Hi BlueLagoon

      Welcome to the forum, your partner sounds like he is draining you on every level and i am not surprised you have got to the point where you cant take any more.

      I know you have been concerned with where he would end up if you got him out of your house, but he has put himself in this position and he will have to sort that out for himself.

      If you are not married and he is not on the tenancy or mortgage and he has not contributed financially to the property then it sounds like he has absolutely no legal rights to live with you and you could change the locks and get a non molestation order out against him so he is not allowed to contact you or come to your property.
      You can call DV Assist for support with getting a non moleststion order once he is out.

      You could contact your local domestic abuse support service for some ongoing support and to make a safe plan to remove him from the house. Do not let him know what you are planning as the abuse could escalate.

      Also you can call the helpline to go through these options in more detail and make a safety plan, workers are available 24hrs on 0808 2000 247.

      Take care and keep posting


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