- This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
ladiesand gentlemen.
11th July 2021 at 2:21 am #128599
Participantthe same mind games the same him playing the injured person because i stood up for myself when he yet again threw a guilt trip on me because hes not getting what he wants,and he still throws things i confided in him at me and im not meant to say anything because if i do i get the silent treatment and affect with held and punishments. And after (detail removed by Moderator) years i think to myself i should know better and to get out before he drains every last bit of good out of me for his own selfish wants.I think i have no one to blame but myself yet i know thats being to harsh on myself as i fell for the man he pretended to be the knight in shinning armour and the kind caring loving madly in love with me do anything for me man. Yet i seen for the last (detail removed by Moderator) years now that man never exsisted it was all manipulation and love bombing he still does this even now plays mr kind mr nice guy yet i know deep down its not the real him.The real him is cruel manipultive selfish and jealous of any one in my life im close too and hes a head worker and psycologically and emotionally abusive .And im just worn out with him i am exhusted with my own disabilitys i dont need him making me feel even more worse .And the pandemic is not helping matters especially for us ladies with disabilities and abuse boyfriends/partners/husbands.one day i will walk away from him i know i will yet first i stay silent because then he doesnt throw punishments at me cos ever time i stand up to him punishments happen and im drained exhusted so far better to stand up to him in ways he wont find out and prepare to walk away from him bit by bit .
11th July 2021 at 5:43 am #128600
InactiveTo free first of all I just want to say I’m sooooo glad you can see everything for what it is this such a huge step in realising the manipulations and games he is playing ,he needs someone to play those with because they can’t play them alone there would be no sick fun or energy draining benefit ,your health is suffering (every type)I don’t know what disability you have (I have fibromyalgia caused by abuse)and I understand how hard it is to leave situations when your in a quagmire.im glad you joined the forum ,this is a good step,you’ve amazing insight to be aware that the getting out route is a subtle and careful one ,you chose you I’m so glad 😄 ,I’m wishing you all the best and hopes for a better life and future,if you want to p.m me I’d been fine with that 💗💗💗
9th September 2021 at 7:31 pm #131249
ladiesand gentlemen
ParticipantTobfree and Anonymous
I could have written this post myself
My H is exactly the same, charming and supportive at first, turns out he is a two faced monster !!!!
I too have fibromyalgia, caused by all the stress and trauma, plus other physical illnesses and a nervous breakdown, he even pushed me around in the hospital (detail removed by moderator) !!! charming to to the doctors, vile to me.
he will NEVER EVER take responsibility for ANYTHING !!!!!!
I have managed to free myself in my mind, the abuse continues, and the silent treatment is ALL part of that abuse, I have given everything I have over the years, its NEVER enough for them
Take care ladies xoxoxoxo
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