After getting a life saving operation.
To come back home he got his sons to do something illegal…can’t say what. I am appalled. I voiced my thought. I got criticized again.
I cried on the phone when my dv lady rang, too many mixed emotions. I told her I want everyone off my back to leave me in peace. She has to tell SS about my husband’s serious experience and I told her how I felt about this whirlwind. Please leave us alone. Everyone gets agitated and brandishes this word all the time, support!!! Sod support, I don’t want any, leave me to be a mum…enough damage has been done.
I cooked good food, I am glad he is alive, I thought about the lady whose ex committed suicide…he ate and looked better for it.
If only he could change…i spoke about my fears and my gladness he is alive to my kids. I even bought some wine. I listened to my boys. It’s their dad.
Life gives you wake up calls…lets hope he heard his…but my dv lady didn’t think he will from my explanations on the hospital visit…
And I am frightened of being controlled even more now.