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    • #19829

      He just had the nerve to say,look at all I did for you yesterday, this being WE BOTH Worked on OUR garden,yet he sees it as a favour to ME,its his gardens well !!!!

    • #19832

      My ex used to be like that, they are funny men at times. Your parner has got a cheek, as long as you live together both of you are responsible for the garden xx

    • #19835

      I’d say “great why do you do the ultimate for me and f off out of my life. That would be the biggest favour ever.”

      Mine did me a favour he assaulted me so I could leave his sorry a and recover my life, my sanity, my home.

    • #19889

      He showed his overinflated self ….

    • #19899

      Mine did me a favour by ignoring the kind and respectful email that I sent to him wising him well. He set me free from trauma bonding. X*X

    • #19914

      OH yes thats there classic line we should always be greatful for what they have done for us, and just expect us to over look the abuse

    • #19923

      Hi Godschild

      My fiance tells me on a daily basis how he brings his contribution to the relationship by cooking at night. The only reason he cooks is because he feels I cannot make the food the way he wants it and because he like the taste of his own food. Now if I ask him to do something, even something silly as taking the trash out, he tells me he does more than enough

      This is extremely frustrating. He is just trying to blind you so that you may think he is contributing in the relationship. I know it is difficult but just turn a blind eye. If he thinks you are not noticing what he is doing, he might just do more.

    • #20146

      Thankyou for that womanineed,they make such a big thing of the smallest thing they do and there is always an ulterior motive behind what they do,I try not react as much as i can,I see him looking at me for a reaction but even tho I may feel one, I act as though not moved at all

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