Never thought I would be on here, but it just goes to show.
I spoke to a Women’s Aid advisor on a chat line this afternoon and it really helped, but its going to be a long slow process for me I fear. I’m actually OK when he’s not around but as soon as he is in the house I’m immediately fearful and anxious and I can’t relax at all.
Talking with the advisor made me realise just how serious this situation actually is.
I thought they would just listen and I wasn’t really sure what to expect.
The advisor immediately swung into action advising me to leave or prepare to leave and they gave me lots of links and phone numbers.
I’ve been hovering around the Women’s Aid website for ages, but finally taking that step today has been very empowering to me as my self esteem and confidence is at rock bottom because of him.
I’m hoping this is day one of making a new start.