Hi Raven Poe,
Thank you for your post. I’m sorry to hear about your situation and what you have been through. The survivors forum is here for women who have experienced domestic abuse (past or present). Domestic abuse can be from a partner, ex partner or a family member.
If you feel you need more support around the sexual abuse you have disclosed you may want to contact NAPAC. NAPAC (the National Association of People Abused in Childhood) can provide some emotional support regarding your experiences as a child. They are contactable on 0808 801 0331 (10am – 9pm Mon – Thurs, 10am – 6pm Fri).
You may also want to contact Rape Crisis. They are a national organisation that operate local centres for women who have experienced rape or sexual abuse. They are now contactable via their 24 hr helpline on 0808 500 2222; they also have a live chat service (available Mon-Fri) through their website.
Best Wishes