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    • #8162

      So my eldest has gone bk to his dad , I should be releif cause he was mentally breaking me down slowly , but it still hurts , I told him if he can’t listen to me he can go , so he went, told him he can’t live with me anymore , said he would be bk anyway , told him he can stay with my brother if he chooses to return, thus feels so hard cause I have to protect my youngest too, feel gutted that he hasn’t even call ,an trying to tell myself that this tough love is how he will learn , I really do hope so , people in past have said they have had to cut there kids of to teach them hard lesson , I feel like part of me has died , want to just cry but can’t ….don’t know if i was in wrong or right by saying I’m parent and if u can’t listen and respect me doors r closed ….

    • #8166
      mixed-up mum

      Hi Confused123 – so sorry for what you are going through right now it must be so hard – tearing you apart because of what you want to do, and what you know you have to do.
      You have tried your best in what were extremely difficult circumstances – you did all you could do.

      He is your son and you will always love him, no matter what – but you tried your best and gave him so many chances – what more can you do…….

      You have to think what was best for everyone in the house, yes its hard on you – but it gets to the stage where ‘tough love’ is the only way forward….

      He is trying to make you suffer by not calling you – hes knows you will be feeling bad and he’s trying to make you ‘pay’ for what you did – but he will come around yet.

      You did what you had to do, for eveyones sake – don’t be hard on yourself.

      Love Mixed-up Mum x*x

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