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    • #10297

      Via my eldest, I stupidly spoke with him as he wanted to discuss finances civilly , I thought to save legal costs this might speed things up , but as always with them turns into argument and ended up calling him abuser and his family then put phone down as he got abusive bk . He is now still chatting with eldest about one of his police case and is trying to talk to me about son case , am keep refusing to speak to him but he is forwarding message via son that I need to speak to him to discuss case , wasn’t expecting this how do I deal with this , am dreading that he
      Will be there when I have to go with my son to report for bail , omg what if we end up arguing and he makes it about us 🙄

    • #10302

      Try to not respond to him. Do not react. Take a deep breath and swallow all your words. This effort will pay off in the end.
      When everything is over and he should talk to you, you can yell at him as much as you want.

    • #10304
      White Rose

      No contact sounds like it’s needed again.
      If he kicks off when you take your son regarding bail then let him but don’t rise to the bait youre better than that. As Ayanna said take deep breaths and try do what Serenity always said – be a graceful swan! Let him kick off if he wants and let others see his true colours xx

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