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    • #66703

      I’m at refuge with my daughter. We live in community house. I spoke with my support worker about where I would like to move. I chose city and today we are filling housing application. She said it shoudnt take long for us to get a house. I just wonder what is your experience? How long did you have to wait to get your flat/ house through council?
      My ex knows we are at refuge. He also now it’s temporary. He was constantly ringing me from private number so I coudnt block him. He told me that I can run away as far as I can but he will finally find me… He still got parental rights and he is saying our child will tell him when its older. I managed to block all private numbers ringing me.I can’t apply for non-mol yet cos I’m not qualified for legal aid and can’t afford solicitor and I don’t feel confident enough to go to court with application on my own. I just wonder if there is anyway I could get diffrent order for him stop harrasing me and trying to find me. The longer we are separated the more scared I am to meet him

    • #66704

      The only advice can give is dont answer any private numbers or withheld or id your did and its hi
      Him just put the phone down. Its hard nit to speak to them. You’re in a safe place, be as strong as you need to be.
      Sending strength to you
      IWMB 💕💕

    • #67492

      Change your phone number.
      Ring the NCDV to help you write the statements for the court to apply for a non mol order. You can then go and represent yourself. It cost me £ 100 a few years ago.

    • #67539

      Not sure what date this is from but just wondering how you were getting on with housing.
      I remember this time waiting to get somewhere. Donn’t know if your local authority operate
      with a points system the same as ours…and you then need to bid…I guess in total with us it took six weeks I think, but then that was partly because the new place wasn’t ready and needed to be
      decorated (which I was grateful for…)
      all best

    • #67548

      I see the new bill is lobbying for DV survivors to take priority for housing lists.I hope it’s makes it a priority to provided legal aid too. Women are so often in such a bad place to get all there evidence together let alone fight lawyers alone xx 💕

    • #67657

      I’m still at refuge. My support worker said she is still waiting for application form from city I want to move to (I don’t want to stay where I am now and don’t feel safe going back to town I used to live) My tenancy here in refuge (I live just with my daughter, not in share house) ends in (Detail removed by Moderator) and I’m starting stressing a bit now x

    • #67659

      I waited for five weeks and was moved into a new area. We had nothing and no money. The first day there we had a food parcel but no cuttlery, plates or cooker. Luckily their was a free plastic spoon in the cereal box that we still have, to show how far we have come.
      We had to claim universal credit as I have a long term illness and it took months. I did get a £400 loan from them after a few weeks but after buying the basics like a fridge, kettle and two new school uniforms, it didn’t go far.
      I’d get as organised as you can whilst your waiting and hope that when you do get a place you’ll love it as much as we love ours, now we’ve made it home.
      I was lucky and got legal aid to get a non mol order after (Detail removed by Moderator) restraining order ended. I know if I hadn’t IDAS and other organisations can advise and help you. They gave me a phone number for free legal advice available to everyone and offered lots of support. Good luck with it and I hope you get sorted soon x

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