To sort my life out. I’m just lost feel hopeless useless. Me and kids are sinking I’ve so many difficulties my kids are crying out for help all of them are normal social worker isn’t coming back so we’ve to wait for another one. I’m responsible fully for entertaining all 3 of my autistic sons 2 of which are twins young men and a teenager. I’m still nervy on edge don’t know which way to turn. My family are on my back over my sons recent outburst last night kicking the door in saying u want to get something done. I’m fully aware of this but I’m mentally drained myself with one pair of hands. My ex not interested in kids unless I play ball…. x
U need to get a support network in place to help you, im not suprised u feeling drained, speak toyour gp what help is avaialble for u , and keep 100% away from ex