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    • #162323

      I’ve blocked him on everything too. I feel sick with sadness and regret. I miss him already

    • #162327

      Massive well done. The next few days will be a rollercoaster of relief and missing him. The bond is going to tug at you hard to try get you back in. So be prepared to remind yourself of why you’ve left, remember he hasn’t (and won’t) change and take each day at a time. Some days you’ll move mountains and other days you don’t move at all. Enjoy the peace and quiet today, it’s a huge step to leave x

    • #162338

      This is good news. It’s so hard to leave and you gave done so well. Congratulations on this achievement.

    • #162357

      I hear you on the mix of emotions. I’ve told my partner I’m going… already I’m full of conflicting emotions even though I know it’s absolutely the right thing to do…
      It’s exhausting . Have you got support around you?

    • #162359

      Despite the fact that I’ve blocked him, I can see how many times he’s tried to call me and it’s quite a lot so I don’t think he’s accepted my decision. He’s also sent a message to my (detail removed by Moderator), who is my only real support, to try to get me back

    • #162368

      I’ve received an email now. He seems really sorry and like he wants to change. This is making it so much harder

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