(detail removed by moderator)
He started trying to talk about why I left, saying that he felt he deserved more .(detail removed by moderator) Said I’d left him completely in the dark with no money. He did have money, I transferred him half of our savings. He just always has to have someone telling him what to do. I started to feel sad about his messages and thought maybe I will just reply but then I remembered I dont owe him anything. I wrote that letter to clearly express how I was feeling and why I was leaving him. Although I didn’t give him specific examples of his behaviour I didn’t need to. He knows the things he’s said. I told him over and over again how I felt. I am tired of explaining why his behaviour was making me feel bad.
The realisation that I dont owe him anything and I dont have to respond to his messages made me feel strong. I am in control of my life and if I dont want to explain something for the 100th time I dont have to.