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    • #155238

      I’m out of an abusive relationship for a few years.
      My new relationship of a few years had a rough start but we have been good lately.
      If my new partner does something out of character such as decide to go to a friends last minute or he doesn’t want to come to bed at the same time as me I get so anxious, crying, thinking he must be up to something. The anxiety rises through my body I can’t breath and feel like I need to either literally run out of the front door to release it or scream. I can’t do either.
      I feel like I’m going crazy. Any other times I’m completely fine.
      My moods are just so affected by his. I am thinking this is from past trauma. But how can I fix it?
      Please someone aduvice me. I don’t want counselling I want to do this myself with books or I don’t know what.

    • #155239

      Continued…we did have trust problems I’m this relationship but it is getting better. I love him so much but I feel I am too emotionally attached to him. I don’t want to leave him but I want to unattach too. I don’t know what to do for the best.

    • #155245

      Hi Ariel, not sure what to advise. Im reading very conflicting feelings. Not because you are crazy, but ill be honest, you are keeping yourself in another maybe not abusive but definitely toxic relationship. This wont change until you take a step back and work on yourself away from him. You cant do that next to him. As harsh as it sounds, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with no trust. When its gone, it will never come back to what it used to be. You are not crazy. Dont think that for asecond but you do need time to be on your own and deal with your past 1st. I might be wrong but to me it sounds like you haven’t done that yet. Keep posting and hopefully someone can give you much better advise x*x

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