I know that feeling Betterdays…
Mine hates my intelligence, my common sense, my 6th sense too haha!
If I stand up to his not so subtle degrading of me, he knows he is infuriating me but at the same time he knows I’ll be more clever than him and give him the back prose he needs…
And that’s when it degenerates.
But now he tries to turn every method he can against me but here again, I am more clever than him and he rarely makes sense, so be starts behaving like the hurt child. He even threatens me of ringing 999 now, each time!
He belittled me so often with a total lack of empathy I ended up very hurt. Emotional abuse maybe…to me it was just weird stuff. Then things got me to ring the police and that was a few years after being strangled and I was “trained” to recognize abuse. Freedom program, dv worker, refuge. A long story.
They hate us when we are clever and the only remark they can make is to belittle the use of our intelligence. A double whammy, you are clever and why are you using your intelligence indeed…double whammy of humiliation.
It’s like getting a double slap on the face.
Ignorant, degrading, disrespectful, impolite, humiliating, chauvinistic, sexist…
My husband likes to behave like that too. He also likes to think he is more important than me and that I depend on him.
Dear Betterdays, take no notice. He belongs to a level you don’t need to be dragged into.