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    • #123393

      firstly i thik he will take my child my (detail removed by moderator) son to (detail removed by moderator) as he was more parental responsibilty than me and secondly he already makes threats like im going to kill you then he says m joking he comments demeaning things asbout me puts me down and its been like this since i was (detail removed by moderator) i got married so young i didnt even know what sex was i only got diagnosed when i was (detail removed by moderator) and now my family sand that naracissit use my mental health as way of controlliung me he controls my fiances controls who i see doesnt want me to work desnt want me to drive doesnt want to be a mother to our child all these classics examples i know but its hard to get out espically if he has more power against you belive me if i didnt have my son i would walk and i did before my son was born he also martial raped me i went to the police but they ignored me and dismissed the case (detail removed by moderator) ive went to the police over (detail removed by moderator) ive even put in statmwents about my family about honour based violence and forced marriage but they dont belive in in (detail removed by moderator) i was deemed the victim but no criminal charges were made to my family or my husband you say im a hifh functioning aspergers and because aspergers is a hidden disabilityppl think im lying about the claims belive me when i sought help from adult ss and child ss and ental health they didnt vgive a f**k i was just a ticky box to them not only do my family in uk harass me but my my in laws in (detail removed by moderator) harass me and try to coerve control me u see i dont fit the normal asian girl sterotype i really cant cook or clean but i am a practicing muslim but im very outspooken plus after years of this abuse ive realised cos im outsoken my family are embarassed of me and my disorders it sickens me the ppl who are meanbt to loce and support me violate me ,my brother (detail removed by moderator) abused me (detail removed by moderator) my sisters are just vile humans and my little brother has beaten me up to so has my dad my dad (detail removed by moderator) my mum is so vile she is sadistic anmd stopping me fromm seeing my son (detail removed by moderator)  nor her or my husvband gave me video calls or let me see my son also my husband speasks no english its been (detail removed by moderator) since hes beein in the counbtry and he expects me tov give my benefits also do his (detail removed by moderator)  brithers and sisters and his waste of space parentzx i tried divorcing him reporting him but still no avail its now been (detail removed by moderator)  to oiur arriage i think and now hes made it more difficult as i have (detail removed by moderator) baby so essentially he knows he can keep me away from my son as he has done when he has no legal right but local authority have granted him more parental resposiblity

      what do i do even if i want to fight i feel like he has chipped away at me that no one belives me

    • #123395

      Good. You be made the right move in talking about it from your perspective. You ll get recognition now. You have to keep fighting them off. Run away. Find a hostel refuge via domestic violence help sites and go. Learn to be on your own.
      There are designated support workers you can access on this site.

    • #123396

      thank you ticktock

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