After a relatively long period of “ok” he’s starting to turn again. He is vile and he knows it. There’s nothing much else to say as I have no energy but just needed to get this out.
Im on a very very long nice spell but he is slowly creeping back. No where near as bad as it was as he saw how close i was to leaving i dont think he will.push me that far again but he likes to pick and pull enough. They wont ever ever change its up to us to.
We need to find a way to het stronger and either leave or put strong boundries in so we can live a life we can be proud of and happy with. Hugs sweetie i know just how heartbreaking this is xx
Thanks nbumblebee for your support. I think I have got stronger, maybe it’s an age thing but you’re right it’s stay or go at the end of the day, neither are simple options. X
Oh I know this feeling so well!! Get stronger and stay or get stronger and go. Either way I’m getting stronger haha! It’s painful, confusing and lonely at times. I’m not going to be held back by fear.