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    • #11112

      Hi All,

      I found a great explanation on another site ( ‘The N********t’s Wife’) about how to deal with abusers who won’t leave us alone and still try to affect us:

      “Once I put up a complete emotional wall, no reactions to him what so ever….he found another supply and was gone within the month. Separate all finances and stop even talking to him. A very painful way to get rid of one but it is the fastest.”

      Whilst you don’t wish to inflict him upon any other poor lady, and pray to got his next victim sees through him early, you need to get him away from you to survive x

    • #11118

      my abuser left me for someone else she thought she was clever stealing a married man she won first prize a controlling bully and as I no longer have any contact with him I’ve no idea if they are still together they did fall out twice in the early days x

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