After (number removed by moderator) years of marriage and (number removed by moderator) in therapy and (number removed by moderator) tries of telling him I want a divorce I finally have told my husband I want a divorce for good. He is financially and emotionally abusive but to the outside world people think he is such a good guy. He has so far threatened suicide and then denied he said that, withheld money from our joint account then (timeframe removed by moderator) later put money in, threatened to take me to the cleaners, acting like a victim, dieting then saying the stress is making him lose weight….. the list goes on. My divorce lawyer has advised me to stay in the house as I am wanting to buy him out of the family home with help from my family. I am about to go off on a break away overseas to visit my family for a few months but I am frightened of coming back into the house, frightened not to as we have a (age removed by moderator) year old at home and I feel I should be here to protect him but the changing behaviours is taking it’s toll on me. He is currently acting like nothing has happened and being very nice. Has anyone lived in the house after you have filed with an abusive husband who is most probably a n********t as everything is always about him