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    • #10522

      Hi brave ladies. Does anyone know if I can claim working tax credit when I am still living with my abuser? We are living in separate rooms and splitting the bills and the divorce is just starting. Thanks x

    • #10533

      I think this is done on a case by case basis. I know the DWP often come out and interview you and check the living situation. The HMRC might do the same.

      It might be harder because you are married. It’s worth calling them up and explaining the situation or explaining the situation with another A4 sheet with the application form.

      I know splitting things 50/50 sounds fair but it is only fair if you both make the same amount of money. It’s not fair when one of you make £40 a week and the other makes £60 a week.

    • #10561

      Thanks for your reply. You are right it’s not fair as he earns alot more than me but it keeps him off my back for now until the house sells x

    • #10779

      Hi Hun

      Just call them and see what they say, worse they can say is no, always worth explaining your scenario, state u class yourself as seperated , living seperate lives but in same house but seperate rooms

    • #10882

      Will do thanks x

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