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    • #16255

      I woke up early today, feeling deadly ill. I have been ill for a while and this got worse over the bank holidays, as I was also working.
      I was in excruciating pain and called my GP for an emergency appointment. The receptionist refused to give me an appointment.
      I called the 111 service. I ended up being told by a male that I just had a little infection and it was nothing.
      I had to crawl to the walk in centre. There they gave me antibiotics and were not pleased how I looked. I actually could star in a zombie movie.
      I am still in a lot of pain and I am not sure whether the antibiotics will work because they are not strong.
      I was abused again, specifically said, I was medically gaslighted, as usual.
      My condition is dangerous. I know that I could die from it if it is left untreated. I am scared to be all by myself right now. If anything happens to me over night I have no help. The emergency services will not help me. They will only carry my dead body out of the house.
      I am unable to walk at the moment. My legs just gave up and refuse to carry me.
      Life is hard. If I die nobody will notice until I am expected back to work.

    • #16256

      Hi Ayanna, i’m really sorry to hear about your difficulties. What are the authorities doing about the root cause of your pain, what is the condition that you have been diagnosed with?

    • #16262

      They ignore me. They do not want to deal with complex needs people. They do not care that I cannot walk at the moment.

    • #16266

      Thats not good, not good at all, can’t you elevate it within the organisation? I deal with a lot of complex needs cases in the public sector where i work, normally if people make enough noise and don’t stop complaining, things happen. Can you make a nuisance of yourself?

    • #16267

      This is awful Ayanna, you should have insisted on a home visit if she refused you an emergency appointment. I mostly find 111 pretty useless.
      You should not hesitate to call 999 tonight if you feel worse, I have found paramedics to be usually very kind and they can examine you and will take you to hospital if you need to go,must be awful being alone feeling like this, sending yo a hug xx

    • #16302

      I did not sleep all night, could not breathe, it was horrible. Today I managed to stand up and walk around a little bit in the flat. I hope I can soon walk again normally. What a life!

    • #16319

      So sorry to hear this, will the nicer GP not do anything to help you with it , sending you a hug x

    • #16340

      Aww, thank you! I have tried so many GPs, about 8 surgeries within ten years, they are all the same. I have a number of health problems and they all need looking at. But the GPs always tried to fob me off. I am in a constant battle to get investigations, to stay on top of my health problems.
      This one nice person in my GP surgery is not always there and everything has to pass the receptionists.
      They are embarrassed anyway, because they got a report from the walk in centre. At least I can bypass them when I am in trouble like yesterday.
      Tomorrow I will try to walk outside. If that works I can go back to work.

    • #16389

      Hope you will be able to walk outside and feel better tommorow, the system is appaling xx

    • #16403

      Thank you so much Godschild! Today is definitely a better day!

    • #16407

      Good to hear x

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