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    • #87007

      Did you experience a third person in your relationship? ▲ Were you played against each other? Did you feel insecure in your relationship because of it?

    • #87014

      My triangulation came when I tried to end the relationship. He simply went out, got a vulnerable woman and led her up the garden path then tried to rub my nose in it. This was after decades of marriage and while he was begging for another chance. Looking back it was so obvious. He would tell me how much she thought of him. How handsome and charismatic she would say he was. How much younger than me she was. All this while we were still together. Not even subtle.

    • #87041

      Yes his ex at the beginning then right after a colleague of his, all this still fairly early in the relationship then later with one of my best friends. I told him if he is serious about any of them he should be honest and tell me and we’ll break up. I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of true love or anything. He assured me I came first and I believed him.

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