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    • #133592

      Hello everyone. I used to post here years ago, but low and behold, I’ve left and stayed in hotels, a refuge once but always gone back.
      He used to be very aggressive by throwing things, threatening my family etc, that stopped for a few years and i felt we had got passed it.. BUT the last couple of years he has become passive aggressive. He

      – Blames me for everything
      – cannot be in the wrong at all, always right
      – verbally agressive, swears at our son all the time. I have asked him so many times to stop, but he doesnt.
      – Manipulates me. Says i over react
      – twists everything. So i end up feeling crazy usually
      – gaslights me all the time by saying he hasnt said and done things when i confront him
      – does NOTHING to help me
      – and my anxiety through the roof when he is around

      After (detail removed by Moderator) incidents of him swearing at my son, and him (detail removed by Moderator) shouting (detail removed by Moderator) that he didnt give a f**k about the kids sleeping, i woke him up, so f**k them

      I packed a bag on the sly, went out and left. Im in a hotel, with my (detail removed by Moderator) year old. My 2 older boys are with their dad until (detail removed by Moderator). BUT i spoke to one DV woman and she was horrible. She was so rude and basically told me I was going to get my children removed if i went back and didnt protect them.

      spoke to another lady and she was fab

      However, he is ringing, raging saying ive broken the law. That i have no right to take our son. That im NOT his main carer (i am) laughing down phone saying ive caused all this to show my authority. Says im just as abusive. Now demanding i face time so he can see our son.. what do i do?

      we have a joint mortgage and earlier he said he would leave so i can stay until i find a place to rent, now he is saying why should he. I dont want to go back. I cant take anymore. i hate him.

      he said if he gets hold of my son he wont give him back. what do i do? x

    • #133595

      Cut contact and get some legal advice on Monday. He’s threatened not to return your son so if you have that in text it’s good evidence.

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