Forum Replies Created
3rd February 2020 at 4:25 pm #97012
ParticipantHello everyone thank you for your messages much appreciated….I have been with the Police on the (detail removed by moderator) they then said they couldnt help with Immediate refuge and I would have had to go to the streets. My daughter who wants nothing to do with me because of all the trouble HE caused I went to her for (detail removed by moderator), she then used the (detail removed) Hospital as an excuse to get rid of me, I ended up there for about a week, all they did was take blood pressure and then they contacted the council, they then put me up in the (detail removed) and then from there I had to go to the council themselves, they sent me to two refuge places that was awful…as I said this trauma has rendered me not to be able to cook for myself….while in my room there was a communal kitchen where I could cook if I wanted to but I had no money or food I was starving, this was on Christmas day…I had to contact him to rescue me he did…but only because I am his muse….I dont want this happening again. I contacted Woman’s aid and all they said was that they would send me again to the place in (detail removed) that was awful…communal shower where there are men, cant take pj’s into shower and its situated in the hall way, the only thing u can take into the shower is a towel…they also only put the heating on a 4pm the place was a nightmare.
28th January 2020 at 1:09 pm #96642
Participantdiymum@1 thank you again for your message….I can’t, I live with him and I suffer from agoraphobia he would have to post all my letters and whatever they need. Can you imagine him posting my divorce letters to my solicitor?
They ask for original bank statements etc. I cant use his printer as he has his office upstairs and my laptop is downstairs. -
25th January 2020 at 6:35 pm #96474
ParticipantHello diymum@1
Thank you for your response, I would do anything to get him out the house but how? I can’t even concentrate on liaising with a solicitor, besides I would need to get legal aid first, and I did that trying to divorce him, eventually the trauma was so great that I could not even get that done, my memory failed me everytime Legal aid asked me what certain payments were for into my bank accounts, I could not remember these payments and what they were for. It was extremely scary. I did not want to lie to them about where these payments came from or who they came from.
When he deserted me, I was without work, and money I had to sell a lot of household items when a payment came into my bank account it was not exactly itemised what it was for. Legal aid for a divorce can take time and 6 months down the line I had by then forgotten who paid me for what? Also we tried to reconcile, at the time of the divorce taking place, he insisted that I pull back the divorce. Foolishly I went back to him, and I told my solicitor if I was to carry on with the divorce, how on earth would I be able to attend court hearings as my mental capacity is not good and I cannot drive, he would have to take me to the court hearing…yeah right. (detail removed by moderator)….guess what?Do you really seriously think he would take me to a court hearing when you sleeping with the enemy?
24th January 2020 at 3:40 pm #96374
ParticipantLisa NO PANIC Helpline
0844 967 4848*Everyday 10am-10pm. Calls Charged at 5ppm + access charge
ouch with someone with no money
24th January 2020 at 1:16 pm #96363
ParticipantQuestion: When going into a refuge what do you take with you?
24th January 2020 at 10:57 am #96359
ParticipantHow does a person live with a man who shouts at you everytime he speaks to you ((removed by moderator) of constant shouting when you going through a mental breakdown) and also tells you “I hate you with a passion” and “you ugly f*** c**nt insults you all day long, belittles everything you do or say, argues over petty things and then cooks for you and you sit opposite him and he insists on asking “(removed by moderator)” waiting for me to say anything and heaven forbid if I criticise the food. Shouts at you if you put the heating on. Runs your whole family down. You see memories of when things were good all around you. Tells you to choose between him or your children and grandchildren, calls them scrotes and b****s**d everyday all day long most mornings he’s here. Talks to neighbours and tells you he has told them why he is being nasty to you
24th January 2020 at 10:43 am #96357
Participantdiymum@1 Thank you for your concern and message.
Wishful thinking getting an advocate from Woman’s Aid.
Fighting him while I am living with him? No chance, he will give me all the hell under the sun. Been in a self-contained flat will be a problemmy trauma, anxiety has left me unable to cook for myself, when once I was a wizard in the kitchen
Its even a struggle to get to GP (removed by moderator).
Im new in the area and he makes sure he only uses UBER (he only uses them for every (removed by moderator), he’s never done this before, this is a new stunt) I must make sure I dont use them as he has befriended the local uber drivers. I have to find another taxi service and alot have bad reviews. Not even pitching, can you imagine having a GP appointment and they dont pitch? -
24th January 2020 at 8:20 am #96347
ParticipantDiymum@1 thank you too for your reply. We moved to a new area, I have not even registered with a GP yet.
He is extremely controlling, and yes I feel like I am going crazy. -
24th January 2020 at 8:18 am #96346
ParticipantHello Queenmaeve, thank you for your reply.
I have not contacted the Samaritans yet. I would think they the same as Woman’s Aid?
Do they do the same thing as Woman’s Aid?
Cant touch my phone while he’s in the house cant talk, even when I text someone he freaks out and
shouts at me “(removed by moderator)”
I know I need to be seen by a GP but he wont take me and I have no money.Let me explain: he is self employed and comes and goes when he likes, so its very difficult to
contact Samaritans or anyone as I never know when he will be out or home. I am not allowed to ask any
questions about his comings or goings. He is extremely inconsistent. Yesterday he went out early in the morning
then suddenly he was home at around (removed by moderator) then he left and I was actually on the phone to Woman’s Aid when he just walked in. That was extremely tricky -
23rd January 2020 at 6:38 pm #96309
ParticipantLisa….thank you but how can they help me?
No Panic on 0844 967 4848 are a support service you can call (10 am – 10 pm daily). Supportline are perhaps another option for emotional support. You can call them on 01708 765 200. They also have an online/email support service.
What is Supportline’s email or online service please? This man watches me like a hawk
23rd January 2020 at 6:36 pm #96308
ParticipantHe owes people money I get an email in my spam box from these people, I asked him why am I getting an email from them
the same morning he got a letter in the post redirected from old addy to new one. I contacted the company and asked them if they could remove my email addy…I mentioned to him that I contacted them (should not have) today he asks me if I gave his mobile number to them as he suddenly got a call from them…I tell him “No I didn’t” back via text.
He walks in and asks me again – I said to him “I answered you via text read your text msg” he shouts
Tell me to my face you didnt give them my number.Cooking still hasn’t started not even the plum sauce which he insists on. Raising my anxiety levels one notch higher.
Lisa thank you for your message…I will try those numbers when he isn’t around.
He told me last night he was not going to be home tonight and was sleeping out. He constantly moves the goal posts and is extremely inconsistent with me. I was going to make my escape tonight. But now he is home for the night, its very difficult to plan anything with him. He also said he was going away for 2 weeks in Dec. He didnt go. -
23rd January 2020 at 6:12 pm #96305
ParticipantHello Queenmaeve, no he has not been hitting me, he just like pushes me around, I’ve lost (removed by moderator) and am very small and weak. He is extremely intimidating and shouts on the top of his voice, when he cooks he slams the kitchen doors closed (removed by moderator). I have spoken to Police they can only detain him for the night then he is back to this house and I am trapped here…so what does that help me? He will give me more hell.
(removed by moderator) night he pulled on me to shove me out the house…I had nowhere to go and you know how freezing it is outside.
(removed by moderator) -
23rd January 2020 at 5:52 pm #96303
Participant(Detail removed by moderator)
so that I can regulate our heating in this house as it is extremely boiling (removed by moderator)I need to keep the heat on downstairs and in turn it makes upstairs even hotter.
He has sabotaged the heating in this house he controls it via an app Im sure.
(Detail removed by moderator)
I am about to crack by this man!!! I freeze in this house downstairs, and upstairs it’s boiling hot. -
23rd January 2020 at 5:19 pm #96298
ParticipantI am so dizzy I can’t think straight, most of the time it feels like I have had
2 bottles of wine, when in fact I have not, this is why I cannot perform a “simple task” 🙁
Is it the anxiety or lack of sleep? I cannot sleep and Im never hungry.I did research and they say when you traumatised, have
anxiety and under major stress one cannot even perform “simple tasks” or am I going mad?
Even both my ears buzz and sounds like a lawnmower. When I sit for say 5 min and get up Im dizzy.
I need to pace the floor -
23rd January 2020 at 5:00 pm #96295
ParticipantEarlier I mentioned in my first post I am not able to cook, the fear and trauma has blocked this ability as he belittles every move I make. (removed by moderator). He is now out and will be back to see how I (removed by moderator).
I have a (removed by moderator) which takes 25-30min to cook in a preheated oven.
(detail removed by moderator)
This does sound nuts I know, but to me “timing’ is very important.This is so embarrassing 🙁
I could make you anything (removed by moderator) ago:-( I was a kitchen wizard before all this. -
23rd January 2020 at 4:51 pm #96294
ParticipantHello Kip, I’ve just moved to a new area with HIM….
I need to first register with a GP this is my problem, to get there? He also said I am to register with a GP he does not go to. But like I said: to get to this GP …he won’t take me -
23rd January 2020 at 4:37 pm #96290
ParticipantI was so…….normal before this 🙁
Feels like I am losing “Me”
Im even struggling to groom myself properly.
I was never like this before.
My hair is falling out rapidly -
23rd January 2020 at 4:23 pm #96287
ParticipantHello Pastlife, yes, I have explained this to Women’s Aid and Adult Social Care, and asked for a carer to help me, but it’s difficult they said. I’m in one hell of a dilemma. I cannot go to refuge. I’ve been in one and I struggled so much so, that I had not eaten in 2 days. I then had to call HIM to get me back with HIM in order just to eat and survive. I fear going into a refuge alone, and I despise been with HIM. So what do I do?
I need to get to a GP he won’t take me, I also have no money to get to one. He took me to the GP the last time and I asked for help, the GP called the police, he was hovering around HE then realized the police was there.
I was taken to police station and questioned for about 3 hours, and all they did was try and get me to a safe place which was not avail at the time, this was (removed by moderator). I eventually ended up in a communal refuge which was a horror, I could not cope. Now I am back with him and because I spoke to police at the GP surgery he won’t take me again to see a GP tells me to take a taxi, again I say – no money for taxi. What I need is hospital to check to see if I am Bipolar…I need adequate medication and a home with a carer. I’m scared!!
22nd January 2020 at 6:30 pm #96241
ParticipantCecile he does the same to me…he turns the heating off and tells me its NOT cold. He has even sabotaged the heating that it is boiling upstairs and downstairs it’s cold, either that or the radiators need to be flushed out. I know that an app can be used to control heating. He is trying to convince me that I am going mad. He plays his (removed by moderator) full blast and he knows I am going through a mental breakdown, he tells me I am only in “his” house as a guest he rents the property in his name, says we are not married only on paper, tells me to get out of his house. Tries to make me apologise for everything I say. Hes bought new furniture tells me its his not ours. I have lost everything yet we still legally married. I am in such a bad head space I cannot even concentrate my memory is going and just over a year ago I could remember everything, dates and actors names etc. but its become so bad that I cannot remember these simple things, he shouts even when I ask him simple things, he refuses to speak to me in a normal tone of voice, he plays the tv loud when I want to go to bed. I am in such a bad space Ive lost the ability to cook or bake and I used to be excellent at baking and cooking, my timing is totally out of sync, tonight he’s out and Im waiting for ready meal its now (detail removed by moderator) I never used to worry about what time I ate but suddenly everything is timed. I have to be in bed by (removed by moderator) or I don’t fall asleep. I have become terribly OCD and have (removed by moderator) which I never had before. I move things unnecessarily, when I never used to do these things. I was once very normal. Its sheer hell on earth. He cramps the house with gadgets and boxes all over the place we have just moved and he wont store the stuff in a storage unit, but he has money, (removed by moderator) we sleep in separate rooms too, he threatens to put my radiators off in my bedroom and bathroom upstairs. Its colder downstairs than upstairs yet I have to regulate the heating by the thermostat, come (removed by moderator) unless I put the boiler off its unbelievable
22nd January 2020 at 6:11 pm #96240
ParticipantI was in a “hotel” wont mention the name but this was not a hotel it was more like a communal refuge and there was a man there, he was totally out of it and loony, he messed faeces in the toilet and on the toilet paper and on the door of the communal toilet….there was also a communal shower and he came walking out with just a towel around him as in the shower was no place to put your pj’s or anything else, so if I was to come out the shower I would have had to have a towel around me…is there no dignity for woman? I am a (removed by moderator) year old woman and I come from a good background so this is horrific for me. The heating was also only out on from 4pm
22nd January 2020 at 5:23 pm #96233
ParticipantHello I am also very new and I am in a very very bad head space right now…I struggle to sit for long periods and I am pacing the floor constantly due to my narcissistic abusive husband its bad.
22nd January 2020 at 5:19 pm #96232
ParticipantHello, this is my first post here. I am new.
My husband is extremely inconsistent I never know when he will be home and am not allowed to ask any questions.
Please bear with me as I write I am going through a massive mental breakdown. I could cook and bake beautifully once before but he has affected me so bad that I cannot even time my cooking. I have totally lost the ability to cook, how is this possible? -
22nd January 2020 at 5:09 pm #96231
ParticipantHello Lisa, I just clicked the link you provided for woman’s aid chat… say they open from 10am to 12pm
well it says “chat offline” and its only 17:09pm now