“The forum is the only place where I can meet women who understand exactly where I am coming from and I understand them. For all the expertise of professionals, no-one has been able to support me like the women on the forum. I learnt everything I know about abuse either from the forum or from sources recommended by the forum. The women have been my wisdom and my strength. In giving back to the forum by supporting other women, I feel that I can make a small difference in the fight against domestic abuse.”
Survivors’ Forum
- General discussion
- Are you new to the forum?
- Is it abuse?
- Having a bad day?
- Positive moments
- Leaving an abusive relationship
- Refuges and emergency accommodation
- Life after an abusive relationship
- Domestic abuse in Black and Minoritised Ethnic communities
- Women over 50
- Living with domestic abuse and disability
- Are you experiencing abuse from family members?