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    • #120733

      “Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.”

      Power and strength to you all.

      Good riddance to bad rubbish x

    • #120740

      That’s lovely KIP, thanks for sharing. It’s all too easy to forget that allowing our painful feelings is part of the healing. I know my habit is to fight them as hard as I can even though it makes it worse! One silver lining of living with abuse is that I am learning to feel my feelings and let them go. I know the healing can’t really start until I’ve left but it feels like there are some spring shoots appearing as I’m finding the courage to leave. If it weren’t for all this pain in sure I’d be living a limiting life by avoiding my feelings…. anyway in short, I believe it’s possible to heal and grow from this so that we’re stronger and happier than if it hadn’t happened. Not easy for sure, but I do believe it’s possible! Xxxx

      • #120749

        Yes let them wash over you. I used to imagine a red balloon, put my feelings in that balloon and watch them float away. 🎈
        Grieving now for the relationship will make it easier to leave and easier to stay away x

      • #120775

        You might surprise yourself. I haven’t felt anything like I thought I would once I left. Sure I’ve had bad days and wobbles but I grieved for years in the relationship making leaving, that final step to freedom much easier. Mostly I feel calm and settled. Nothing like waking up free from abuse ❤️

    • #120745

      That’s beautiful KIP. Thank you. xx

    • #120771

      I love this, the feeling that new green roots are slowly growing the stronger I get.

    • #120777

      Thank you Kip. As always wise words. Thank you so much for your continued support to us all. It can feel so violent and dark but what comes after is amazing. I’m far from in my perfect place (who is) bit I feel liberated. Ps: still enjoying my chalk paint – have just started on a shelf for bathroom 🤗

      • #120779

        Good for you Hetty. Keep doing the things that bring you happiness. It’s your life now to live as you please. Nobody to answer to or to stunt your growth anymore x

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