Signposting and Support

What support is available through Women’s Aid?

You can reach out to one of our fully trained female support workers through our Live Chat or Email Service. We will never judge you or what you say. We won’t tell you what to do, but we can give you space to explore your options in confidence.

If you need practical support and information, you might find our Survivors’ Handbook helpful, for example how to recognise if a relationship is unhealthy, what happens if you involve the police, and how to prepare to leave if you’re ready.

If you’re looking for information as a teenager or young person, have a look at our Love Respect site which includes a quiz to explore if your relationship might be unhealthy, survivors’ stories, and articles on gaslighting and consent.

We also have a directory where you can find local support near you.

Remember in an emergency situation you should always call 999 for the Police, or use 999 BSL for a British Sign Language interpreter to connect you to emergency services.

Local support services:


Additional support services:


Children and young people:

  • Love Respect: includes sections on gaslighting, red flags and consent
  • NSPCC: free helpline with advice and information on parenting related issues: 0800 800 5000 /
  • The Mix: free helpline and Live Chat for young people under 25 to support with a variety of experiences, including domestic abuse: 0808 808 4994

Counselling and mental health:

  • Bloom: courses written and checked by survivors focused on trauma recovery
  • British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy: Therapist Directory with those registered with BACP (this means they must have completed a core practitioner training course in counselling or psychotherapy)
  • Counselling Directory: nationwide database of qualified counsellors and therapists
  • Domestic abuse and mental health: a guide for survivors
  • Mind: InfoLine can provide information and signposting around mental health, where to get help and treatment options: 0300 123 3393; Side by Side is their online community to talk about your mental health
  • Samaritans: you can contact Samaritans via phone, email or Live Chat to discuss stress, isolation, depression, thoughts of suicide and more: 116 123
  • SupportLine: confidential emotional support by telephone, email and post: 01708 765200 /

Economic abuse:

Harassment and stalking:

“Honour”-based abuse and forced marriage:


Immigration support:

Intimate image abuse:

Legal advice:

  • Child Law Advice: free advice and information on child and family law: 0300 330 5480
  • Civil Legal Advice: if you’re eligible for legal aid, you might be able to get free and confidential advice from CLA
  • DV Assist: support with injunctions: 0800 195 8699 /
  • Rights of Women: Family Law Advice Line can advise around domestic abuse, divorce, finances, property and child arrangements: 0207 251 6577; Criminal Law Advice Line can advise on criminal law around domestic abuse, harassment, stalking, reporting to the police and the criminal justice system: 020 7251 8887

LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse:

Pet fostering:

Rape and sexual violence support:

Specialist ‘by and for’ support for Black and minoritised women:

Specialist support for Deaf and disabled survivors:

Specialist support for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller women experiencing domestic abuse:

Support for men experiencing domestic abuse:

Support for domestic abuse perpetrators:

© 2025 Women's Aid Federation of England – Women’s Aid is a company limited by guarantee registered in England No: 3171880.

Women’s Aid is a registered charity in England No. 1054154

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