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    • #130218
      Put the kettle on

      I feel like I’ve got so many people, ex side of things, telling me my opinions are just wrong. I try to explain my perspective to have s balanced conversation and it’s like they don’t even listen and continue to say how they’re right and I’m wrong. Then I doubt myself and think it must be me as more and more people are saying my opinions are wrong.
      My friends don’t they see things from the same perspective but then I wonder are they just being nice and really I am a bad person?
      I get told, again from ex’s side, how negative I am when I raise any concerns.

    • #130220

      I really dislike it when people tell you that what you say or do is wrong. Why should you be wrong and they be right. That is the problem I have all the time in this relationship I’m in now. He’s often telling me I’m wrong in this , wrong in that. I’ve discussed a couple of things over with some of the people at womens aid and they have told me alot of the time people will say this that and the other but it doesn’t make them right . Please don’t be hard on yourself . Alot of people think they know everything about everything and they dont

    • #130221

      You are not a bad person. People can always make judgements but until they are in your position they don’t know what they would do themselves. They most probably would feel like you do but they are just too b****y minded to admit it . Sometimes people make me puke.

    • #130222

      Your exs side will always do what you are saying. Typical. My ex husbands mother always interfered after . She caused a lot of trouble . They are just like that because it’s in their dna . Don’t take it too personally. Sorry there’s a lot to read here but just from experience don’t think bad of yourself please . I’m looking into getting some counselling for myself to get that little bit stronger while I figure a way out of my upheaval in life the other half.

    • #130224

      Hope this helps a little bit . Take care..I know its hard . I often feel c**p whenever I’m told I’m wrong in this that and the other but this is what this is for . Life is so c**p at times . I just wonder why some of us get more grief that others. Please take care.

    • #130270
      Put the kettle on

      Thanks stargazing, I think if I said to these people the sky is blue they’d say no it’s actually purple! I’m willing to have a two way conversation with them but they’re not open to my opinions

    • #130273

      Hi Put the kettle on. By the sounds of it you have to have regular conversations with these people. You may tell them the sky is blue and they will say its purple but as we both know that is incorrect. I dont think these people are being very fair to you if they are not open to your opinions. It seems really really hard for you . Are all the people are not open to your opinion really important people to you or just acquaintances. If it’s your ex then maybe a mediator could be a help . I’m probably not really helpful but I thought it rude to not respond. I just hope you don’t have to put up with this much longer.

    • #130730

      I have not visited here for a while because I sounded like a right idiot on some posts I’m sorry about that. I once again am feeling like my opinions are always wrong . I end up disliking myself because I get told shut up and not to talk . The tone of the voice is the thing I dislike so much. Its like I’m being talked down too. I have been told I’m deluded . I dont know if I once again sound like an idiot if I do I apologise. I’ve not got any support so it’s difficult sometimes.

      • #130737
        Put the kettle on

        I’m so glad you’re back stargazing! I’d noticed you’d gone.
        I don’t think you should like an idiot, you’re going through so much and many of us can relate.
        How disrespectful that your partner tells you to shut up, are you still in touch with your dv charity? I recall you were getting support from someone.
        I too still feel my opinions are wrong, my abuser has a huge amount of flying monkeys and they all tell me and others how wrong I am. It’s like there’s no room for discussion, his way or the highway.
        I can relate so much to the tone of voice you mentioned, I notice it, I hear the sarcasm or the nasty intent behind it.
        They’re saying your deluded to make you doubt yourself, to take the blame away from themselves.

    • #130762

      Hi Put the kettle on. Thanks again for your kind response. I’ve not really been in touch with anyone properly at the local dv charity due to the other person in this house being on annual leave . Some days I’m sure many people relate to this until something snaps in us is that I keep being blindsided by it. Oh I’ll pretend that didn’t happen or no its not him it’s me. I’m hoping to get back on track soon . Once again I’m sorry to hear you too are not being listened too . Why do they do this ? I just don’t know . Thanks again please take care x

    • #130888

      Hi Put the kettle on . I dont know how the private messages work . I just thought of you and hoping you are giving yourself the kindness you deserve. I know you are still fighting the good fight . Take care. Kind regards

    • #130889

      That message sounded a bit rubbish. Just hoping you are getting through as best as you can . Take care

    • #130890

      I hope I didn’t get anything wrong by sending those couple of messages..

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