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    • #15480

      So I knew it was coming up but some how that doesn’t make it any easier. He is due out of prison and I am absolutely petrified.
      I know it was his actions that put him there but I also know how he thinks! In his eyes he has done nothing wrong, he is innocent! He is going to be so angry, because ‘I sent him to prison’ I left him I went to the police I gave evidence against him.! I don’t know what to do. I feel physically sick! And to add to it, I’m moving out of refuge into our new home and it doesn’t feel safe.

    • #15484

      So sorry to hear this, do the people at the refuge know how afraid you are. Do you know what day he gets released. Is your new home in the same area that you both lived in.
      Other ladies may have knowledge of any steps that can be taken to make you more secure, as some will have been through this themselves.
      Sending you a hug x

    • #15520

      Hi Hun

      Before they let him out they a support worker should contact u to let u know of date and i think u can put coniditons his not allowed to enter certain areas where u may be

    • #15538
      shine bright 2

      hi, just wanted u to know I’m thinking about u. Have been terrified too. He was remand then out…now bailed. Hope u r ok. Please post soon so that I know u r.

    • #15562

      Well he’s out! Nothing so far, but i’m not going to let my guard down just yet. What really annoys me is the fact because his sentence wasn’t atleast a yr they don’t automatically tell me when he’s out. It’s only because he is still on bail for other crimes the officer was able to tell me.
      I have a life long restraining order, but it doesnt give him any areas he’s not allowed as that would indicate where we are.
      I don’t know what to think, I am exhausted but fear it could be another long night.

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