Well I plucked up the courage to call WA today and spoke to a lovely lady who has given me lots of information and telephone numbers of people who may be able to help me. I’ve also have another session with my counsellor today so all in all I’m feeling a little more confident about the future. I know there is a long road ahead and that it will take time but I feel I am slowly taking small steps to a new beginning for me and my daughter.
For anyone scared of calling WA please just pick up the phone. I feel that they have give me a small seed of hope which I am going to nurture until till blooms!!
Well done Moonflower, I’m really pleased you got some support and advice, and that your counsellor is helping too – take all the halp and support you can get.
I’m glad you are feeling more confident, and working towards a happier future for you and your daughter.
Here’s hoping everyday is a good day from now on. 🙂