I finally left my abusive relationship of (detail removed by Moderator) years but am having so many doubts. So much fo the time he was perfect but a small amount he was so mean making me feel so awful about myself and not hitting me but being aggressive pushing kicking breaking things screaming in my face spitting on me. He had anger problems but I just don’t know if I made the right choice leaving, did I give up on him, I tried to help him. Just feeling sad and wondering if that’s the best I was going to get. I feel like i’m just focusing on all the good in him right now
Hi, well done for getting out… missing him is very normal and takes time. You haven’t given up on him, he chose to abuse you on and off for years and you had had enough..that’s not giving up on him, he is responsible for himself and his own behaviour.
Going through a vicious cycle of manipulation and gaslighting but feel like he has a hold on me, just don’t know what to do. All the rules apply to me but not him, as long as everything goes his way its fine, as soon as I do something for myself it turns into manipulation, guilt tripping. Struggling to decide what the best thing to do is.