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    • #172504

      Life away from him seems daunting!  I’m (number removed by Moderator) mile away from family & friends as I moved to be with me.

      I feel that I can’t be with him hut can’t be without him…  when i left last time due to silent treatment. . I came back!  I’ve managed to get a decent job so I’m saving.. but with my animals i think it will be difficult to get housed.   I’m crapping myself about not being able to afford housing etc..  he seems to push me to breaking point then charms it back on the bag  then gos back to his ways



      It’s very confusing and conflicting .

    • #172511

      You leave one step at a time, (unless you’re in danger) if safe as you can be in this life then there’s no rush or right/wrong way. My steps included learning about abuse, seeing it, imagining a life without it, mentally thinking of what I’d need for that life, to slowly but surely looking into that life (moving documents, applying for housing), until it happened. There was a lot of one step forward, two steps back in that road but it’s worth it x

    • #172564

      Not in danger,  I think  things would be easier on my own and if be more at peace with in myself,   I get very little support, lack of interest from him regarding my life, family etc.


      I just want to make sure everything is in place and I have enough money behind me to support myself best I can when i do leave.


      It’s very daunting as he’s all ive known and relied on the few years.

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