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    • #19614

      But I can breathe with worry and panic over everything that’s happened before and what could happen still.. There’s things I haven’t even said on here threw fear. Things I’ve covered up for him over because he convinced me it was ok or that I would be in trouble if I told anyone the truth. I’m so worried he won’t be charged because then no one will ever believe me but if he is charged he’s going to be so much more angry and I’m so scared of what he can do. Everyone has always believed him so far

    • #19622

      Everyone hasn’t believed him. You’re traumatised which is understandable. Are you in touch with Women’s Aid. They can help you understand and help keep you safe. My ex used every way to control me he could think of. Like threatening to report me to the authorities for benefit fraud, take my son off me because I had a mental illness (depression which he caused). Tell my friends fiancé she’d been unfaithful. Try not to worry. I know it’s hard but you have been programmed and brainwashed to be fearful of him. He’s just a lowlife bully who picks on women. Police and authorities will see through his mask, they deal with these nasty men daily. You need to re wire your brain. Back to before you met this man who traumatised you x

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