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    • #35103

      We have had a fantastic christmas with fsmily and my new partner my children are happier than I’ve ever seen them.

      Now my ex is threatening to report me to social services he’s worried about the kids safety!!!! They’re safer than they have ever been!

      Surely if ss contact me thats indirect contact

    • #35112
      White Rose

      If he does -so what? They’re happy and safe and thats all social services care about.
      Mine threatened this so often and in the beginning it used to really freak me out (what he didn’t know was our daughter was too old for SS to care!) I bet It’s an idle threat and he’s done it to hurt you and get inside your head.
      I’m not sure of your full circumstances or whether he’s allowed any contact with anyone or how indirect contact works but maybe others can help.
      In the meantime look at your children see how happy they are (and you too by the sound of it) and don’t let him spoil that x*x

      • #36502

        My ex had been threatening to do this for a year, making false allegations against my partner any time there was disagreement and when i refused to give him my address. I was like you really worried
        He then put in a child arrangements order initially not stating concerns, but hen when my return form described domestic abuse he made these allegations to cafcass. They in turn told services. When my call from SS came (detail removed by moderator)Β (on the same day as an extremely nasty email from their solicitor)I just broke down and sobbed.
        However, they had already sized him up and a had a brief call when they said,as there is a non-molestation order in place and he only raised concerns after this and (detail removed by moderator), it was just him trying to harrass me and they closed the file.

        So dont worry they are very kind and supportive and are used to these games abusers play. They will see the truth quickly

    • #36551

      For me, SS quickly saw through his lies.

      CAFCASS were a whole other kettle of fish!

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