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    • #122725

      I am experiencing familial abuse from male relatives.Often, my brother joins in with the abuse which results in my biological father going to his room to loudly proclaim his future intentions and/or threats of abuse. This is intentional as he is aware that I can hear him.
      He has aggressively made comments such as (detail removed by moderator)  He often disguises threats as jokes or banter between then. This is not the first time as I have been directly threatened with homelessness by text after he caused damage to my room by (detail removed by moderator) damaging personal property. Some of belongings were stolen/destroyed in the process.

      I have also received abusive text messages from my brother, and he has recently become directly abusive to my face. He seems to picking up this behaviour from our biological father, and he genuinely believes that this is acceptable and justified to treat me in this way.

    • #122748

      Hi there. This is awful for you. Can you contact your local women’s aid for support or ring the national domestic abuse helpline. Please ring the police if you feel threatened. Talk to your GP. Have you considered a woman’s refuge or moving out and renting a room elsewhere?

      • #122805

        At the moment, relatives are pretty much in the
        house all of the time. So, I am not sure when I can ring them. I will but hope I will not
        need to contact the police.

        Yes, I am planning to move and will plan to leave at the appropriate time. I don’t trust my GP for personal reasons and don’t think that are capable of following procedures to prevent more harm.
        My biological has an unpredictable temper and known for being controlling.
        So, I don’t think that I will be able to have contact with any of my relatives again, such as grandparents or my mother.

    • #123465

      Hi I’m getting people in my face as well threatening me. I have to report people to police. Now. It’s all relative thou. Some people just don’t understand. They push you to see how far you ll go. You do realize your true friends eventually. Go to police live

    • #123466

      Ps I hated my dad at times growing up. Hated. Was in my room alot stern and isolated and trapped.vwhen we get scared we revert back to those behaviours. 🙁 Which is what I am doing now. Been fuckef about by people and gone back a father figure just to sit on my own. Trying to find accommodation. But it’s hard on my own. Used to have loadsa people around me now have no one. X

    • #123495

      Can you get a burner phone? You may find NAPAC helpful (National Association of People Abused in Childhood). Refuge sounds like an idea worth considering. The Domestic Abuse team on 101 will be able to help you too.

      Please keep reaching out and keep posting.

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