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    • #85177

      Does anyone else have C-PTSD that is considered a disability? I have had to drop out of my studies and work due to CPTSD. Also, my memory got progressively worse over a number of years and now I have very little memory whatsoever. Does anyone else have CPTSD this severely?

      My CPTSD was caused by a number of factors including long term domestic abuse

    • #85193

      Yes, there was another student on here who got it recognised at her Uni as a disability and got all sorts of extra help. If you google the Disabilities Act I think it mentions the definition of mental health problems that impact daily life. Citizens Advice are very good at giving this sort of information. The memory problems and concentration problems were terrible for me. I had to give up work because of them. Couldn’t read books. Couldn’t get past the first paragraph. Nothing would sink in. I’m having therapy which is really helping along with time. Mine was caused by long term domestic abuse. I’ve been several years free and am getting much better but still loving and dealing with it daily x seek out some good therapy.

    • #85273

      Ah it’s amazing to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that you’re getting there! It gives me a lot of hope. I had thought that I was permanently brain damaged. Thank you for the advice, I’m getting help from the university now and also am getting a course of therapy set up.

    • #85279

      Hey well done for seeking out help. Keep going. I thought I had early onset dementia lol. I can laugh now but it was terrifying. Therapy will help explain how the trauma shuts down the rational part of the brain and the memories. Certain therapies can bring back memory which is great. Once you know more about how trauma affects the brain and the immune system and physical health too, it makes things so much easier to deal with. The Body Keeps The Score is a good book about trauma x

    • #104081

      That’s really helpful re the rational brain and trauma, KIP. I’ve found that now I’m feeling more relaxed and my abuser is no longer in my life, my thinking has improved. I do sometimes struggle with concentration and memory (I’ve not been diagnosed with PTSD or CPTSD although I think I’ve got symptoms of both – might not be severe enough for diagnosis though and I’ve got a counsellor already) but now I notice that I can think much more clearly. Journeyupwards I hope you manage to find some good support for yourself – I think it is possible to see improvements for sure!

    • #104085

      Yes, I’m currently not able to work as a result of my mental health and one of my diagnoses is CPTSD. Unfortunately yes I have the problems with memory. I wrote down a timeline of my life and have it up on my noticeboard as it helps me remember things. Certain years are much more hazy than others, I think it’s because I had major depressive episodes during those times.

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