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    • #138732

      I have my first counselling session tomorrow and I’m terrified.
      I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to get an appointment quickly (through occupational health) but I’m so scared about talking. Thankfully I no longer have any contact with my abuser, that’s not why I’m scared, I’m still trying to understand everything and I’ve been finding it really hard.
      I still find it hard using the words that describe my experiences. Saying them out loud and actually hearing them makes it real and that terrifies me. I don’t want to be a victim. I don’t want to let him win but I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to do this.

    • #138751

      Hi beautiful angel…seek221,
      Firstly you ARE strong enough to do this!
      Women who have endured domestic abuse are the toughest women out there!
      Look at how far you have already come and how you have got away from him, that takes strength
      Its great that you have got counselling, but id be lying if I said its going to be easy
      We have to feel to heal, so it is so important that you face the emotions and feelings as they come up. This may not always mean having a strong outer edge, be vulnerable and open to the process
      The emotions will feel uncomfortable and scary and make you angry and sad, but all of this is going to get you to a better place
      Tears help you cleanse, like water washing away the past
      If you do not address your feelings you will be able to squash them down but like a spring they will jump back up just when you don’t want them to and until you fully release them there will be no room for new things to enter your life
      You have to move through things to get to where you want to be
      I have total faith you can do this, you got this my angel
      Sending you continued love and support
      Darcy xx

      • #139013

        Thank you for your kindness Darcy xx

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