You should hopefully get a domestic abuse officer assigned to you to support you.
The police will look into whether to investigate and prosecute your ex.
If you wish to proceed, your ex will either be invited to come into the station for questioning or arrested and interviewed.
The police should be very understanding, I felt very supported by them.
You will be assigned 1 police officer to your case.
The police officer assigned to my case was great, he checked in frequently to see how I was.
Phone calls, texts, emails.
He helped me with some incidents that weren’t really criminal, he advised me on what to do but wasn’t pushy.
The case can go on though because the police are extremely short staffed right now.
In the meantime, if your ex does anything to you, name calling, harassment, anything that is threatening or demeaning, log it with 101. It doesn’t have to be straight away.
One incident I logged 3 days later.
It keeps a record of everything that has happened.
Can you get a non-molestation order if you need one?