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    • #154069

      Earlier my youngest jumped on me playing, and ended up with their arms around my neck pulling my hair. I freaked out as it seemed to trigger a flashback of hands around my neck and I shouted get off repeatedly. My body wanted to protect myself and push him off but thankfully my head knew it was my child and not malicious just too boisterous. He got off and we had a hug, but it shook me up and has stuck with me all evening. Not sure what I’m asking but how do I deal with that if it happens again?

    • #154102

      That must have been very triggering. Flashbacks are very difficult as they can be triggered out of the blue and the reaction is immediate. The great thing is that you stayed in the present moment and were able to control your reactions.
      Are you having therapy? I had trauma therapy for severe complex PTSD which involved uncontrolled flashbacks. I was told to ground myself by concentrating on something in my immediate sight which would bring me back. Also deep breathing in through nose and out through mouth to calm down. I’m not going to say that always works for me, but it has some effect.
      I’m so sorry that happened to you and you did really well to control your instincts.

    • #154106
      Sparkle wand

      To me it sounds like a trauma response. Triggers can be known & unknown, which can make it unpredictable. Have you had any therapy or been assessed for symptoms of PTSD? If not it might be useful exploring this with a therapist. The NHS offer free talking therapy that includes work on trauma through their IAPT programme (improving access to psychological therapies)

    • #154137

      Thank you both, I’ve not had any therapy yet, I’m on a (long) waiting list for a local charity’s counselling service and have self referred to iapt today. Trauma is the gift that keeps on giving I guess! x

    • #154151

      So true – once you get to good space just the memories and triggers.

      I’m waiting for therapy on this same issue for workplace issues.

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